Become a Mokrica Member

Step 1: Register a translator account. After that, to join Mokrica member, please visit directly at the link below:

At the Mokrica member registration page, please fill in your information correctly and agree to the Mokrica Terms and Policies.



After filling all information and clicking the "Send request to join" button, you will receive an email to the registered email address.


Step 2: Approve and activate the member account
After being approved, Mokrica will send an email to activate your registered member account with the subject "Activated your account" >> You open the email to log in to your Mokrica member account.




Step 3: Contracts and agreements 
(*) Attach contracts and agreements to your email
3.1 Conclusion of the contracts
3.2 Agreement on membership conditions, how commissions and rewards are calculated, rules set forth for members …

Become a Mokrica Premium Membership
Who are the members of Mokrica?
What is Translation ID? Role of Translation ID
Translation ID terms
What are the three main sources of income from Translation ID?
Your Advantages And Benefits As a Mokrica Members
What is the difference between the Translation ID of the premium member and the translator?
Distinguishing between commissions and rewards

