When we talk about a concept, an overview of what you might not know!!!,...and how Translation ID works is very simple and easy to do that helps you EARN LOTS OF MONEY AND MANAGE YOUR OWN INCOME. Rest assured, if you want, I will guide you from A - Z help you better understand. So this article is compiled with the aim of giving you an overview and most complete on each aspect when we talk about TranslationID. This is a term we define it simply but you must understand to apply to future income increases.
Let's find out with Mokrica!
• What is TranslationID?
Translation ID is your ID number, means to share it with your customers and you can get Commissions and Rewards from it based on the number of words applied on all pairs of language.
• Role of TranslationID
(*) With the solution to expand and increase income for members by TranslationID.
(*) Allow members to manage customers.
(*) Quarterly statistics of orders, commissions and rewards.
(*) For translators are suggested jobs by this ID.
Become a Mokrica Premium Membership
Who are the members of Mokrica?
What is Translation ID? Role of Translation ID
Translation ID terms
What are the three main sources of income from Translation ID?
Your Advantages And Benefits As a Mokrica Members
What is the difference between the Translation ID of the premium member and the translator?
Distinguishing between commissions and rewards