Process to take on a Job

Process to take on a Job

    After the translators are approved and can successfully log in to the Mokrica system, they can take on translation jobs.

    Step 1: Access the Home page and select the Translation Jobs tab, which includes the following tabs:
    • Pending
    • Active
    • Completed
    • Cancelled


    Step 2: In the Pending tab, pending orders waiting for translators include:
    ❖ Languages pair: Translate from – Translate to
    ❖ Subject/ Field and customers’ requests
    ❖ Order time and expected completion
    ❖ Word counts, fees, and remuneration


    Click the Preview button to see the original text, and you can receive orders suitable for you.


    Step 3: In the Active tab, you take on the customers’ orders, download the files, carry on the translations, and provide the products on schedule.
    (*) After the translations are completed, upload the finished products and send them to the Customers. You must ensure that your translations are carefully checked before sending them to the Customers. 

    (*) Translators can cancel the jobs they take within 1 hour, select the reasons for cancellation, enter the specific reason (if any), and press Send.

    Note: If the received jobs are canceled after 1 hour, and the cancellation happens 3 times a month, you can no longer take on any jobs on the Mokrica platform.


    Step 4: In the Completed tab, check your finished products
    You have 120 hours (5 days) for Customers to Rate/Comment on your translations. After that period, the translations will be automatically approved, and your jobs will be finished. The rewards for the jobs will be added to your account.


    Step 5: Select the Notification icon to see customers’ feedback
    • Approve the translations
    If the Customers have no requests for Edit / or Reject your translations, you will be paid through your account. 

    • Request to edit the translations
    If the Customers require to edit the translations, you will receive the notification via email, and the Collection will be displayed on your Notification page with the edit request. You have a maximum of 24 hours to complete the edit and send the edited products to the customers.

    • Reject the translations
    The Customers can reject your translations. It is the last resort since it cannot be edited.
    -Poor-quality translations
    -Missing or incomplete translations


    Step 6: In the Statistics tab, check your income
    The orders have been approved, and you can download your work management file.


    Mokrica values our customers' satisfaction since they are your direct clients. You should, too. We advise you to send a short message to a customer to apologize for any mistakes and let them know you have finished the necessary edits. 

    Copyright © 2024 - Mokrica Trading & Services Company Limited.
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