Example: Customer Translation ID (A) → B accepts the job→ Customer rejects the translation.
Example: Customer Translation ID (A) → B accepts the job→ Customer requests to change translator.
How can I do in this case?
In this case, our Quality Control Team will process the customer's rejection request. In our review, we will take into account:
• Translation quality
• Customer comments/or instructions for the translator, and whether or not the translator will ignore these comments
• Feedback from customers and reasons for rejection
If the rejection is valid, the translator will not be paid remuneration, commissions and rewards. Then, the customer can choose:
• Refuse and cancel the order (customer gets a full refund) OR
• Refuse and reopen (job will be available for other translators)
If the rejection is invalid, we will:
• Approve the translation OR
• Request to edit and resend the translation to the customer
Then: Total earnings A = Remuneration + Commission + Reward
→ What if I accept translation job from a customer with my Translation ID?
→ What if the translation order is from a customer with my Translation ID and another translator accept the job?
→ What if I accept translation job from a customer with my Translation ID? In case the customer requests to edit the translation?
→ What if the translation order is from a customer with my Translation ID and another translator accepts such job? In case the customer refuses the translation or changes the translator.
→ What if the translation order is from a customer with my Translation ID I cancel the job? Then another translator will accept such job?