No, the more customers you have, the more earnings you get.
(*) You are the translator: Total Earnings = Remuneration + Commissions + Rewards + Achieved Levels.
(*) You are not the translator: Total Earnings = Commissions + Rewards + Achieved Levels.
→ What if the user clicks on the share link with my Translation ID and registers?
→ What is the difference between the Translation ID of the premium member and the translator?
→ Will I be limited in the number of customers through my Translation ID?
→ How will my commissions, rewards & levels be calculated?
→What is my total earnings including: Commissions, rewards & Bronze level achieved?
→ What is my total earnings including: Commissions, rewards & Silver levels achieved?
→ What is my total earnings including: Commissions, rewards & Gold level achieved?
→ What is my total earnings including: Commissions, rewards & Diamond level achieved?
→ What are the conditions for me to receive commissions, rewards & levels achieved?