How Mokrica works

How Mokrica works

    1. Document upload

    Begin by uploading your document, ensuring that you provide a clear and concise name for the order or project. You may upload files in various formats such as PDF, DOCX, PPTX, TXT, image, etc.




    2. Language pair and subject selection

    Select the source and target language from Mokrica user-friendly order form to get an instant quote and expected completion time.






    3. Quality level selection

    You have the option to select from three different quality levels: "Basic", "Standard", or "Advanced", depending on the nature of your content.



    - Basic Level: Suitable for standard document types such as

    ❖ Citizen Identity Card, Passport

    ❖ Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate

    ❖ Diploma, Vocational Certificate

    ❖ Types of personal identification document

    - Standard Level: Appropriate for various document types including

    ❖ Contracts (business, sales, mergers, etc.)

    ❖ Legal Documents

    ❖ Marketing, Advertising Materials

    ❖ Insurance, Finance, Banking

    ❖ Technical Document (Electricity, Oil and Gas, Construction, Infrastructure, Bids, Transportation, Aviation, Marine, Chemical, Information Technology, Software, Hardware, Database, etc.).

    - Advanced Level: This level offers language experts or highly-skilled translators with over 5 years of experience, as well as specialized knowledge in various fields:

    ❖ Medical, Pharmaceutical

    ❖ Science & Technology

    ❖ Master's and Doctoral Dissertations


    4. Purchase order review and invoice download

    Upon accessing the designated page, you will have the opportunity to thoroughly examine the final invoice. Additionally, there is an option to print it out for your convenience.



    5. Secure online payment

    Whether you prefer PayPal, VNpay, or Credit Card, we strive to accommodate your needs. In the event that your billing account imposes limitations. Rest assured, we also provide the option to pay later through our Partner Moca Package.



    You're all set!

    Your order is being translated and will be promptly delivered to your email upon completion.

    Order Status

    To stay updated on the progress of your order, please log in to your account. Here, you will find detailed information regarding the receipt of your order by the translator, as well as the expected timeline for its completion. Moreover, feel free to communicate directly with the translator to further discuss your specific translation requirements during the ongoing translation process.



    Transaction History

    On this page, you can access a comprehensive overview of all transactions related to your order. Furthermore, you have the option to download the invoice for any specific transaction as needed.



    Copyright © 2024 - Mokrica Trading & Services Company Limited.
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