Digital Translation

Digital Translation

Simpler, faster, and more cost-effective

    Instant quote

    Instant quote

    Instant quote

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    How Mokrica works

    How Mokrica works

    How Mokrica works

    How Mokrica works
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    1. Document upload

    Begin by uploading your document, ensuring that you provide a clear and concise name for the order or project. You may upload files in various formats such as PDF, DOCX, PPTX, TXT, image, etc.




    2. Language pair and subject selection

    Select the source and target language from Mokrica user-friendly order form to get an instant quote and expected completion time.






    3. Quality level selection

    You have the option to select from three different quality levels: "Basic", "Standard", or "Advanced", depending on the nature of your content.



    - Basic Level: Suitable for standard document types such as

    ❖ Citizen Identity Card, Passport

    ❖ Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate

    ❖ Diploma, Vocational Certificate

    ❖ Types of personal identification document

    - Standard Level: Appropriate for various document types including

    ❖ Contracts (business, sales, mergers, etc.)

    ❖ Legal Documents

    ❖ Marketing, Advertising Materials

    ❖ Insurance, Finance, Banking

    ❖ Technical Document (Electricity, Oil and Gas, Construction, Infrastructure, Bids, Transportation, Aviation, Marine, Chemical, Information Technology, Software, Hardware, Database, etc.).

    - Advanced Level: This level offers language experts or highly-skilled translators with over 5 years of experience, as well as specialized knowledge in various fields:

    ❖ Medical, Pharmaceutical

    ❖ Science & Technology

    ❖ Master's and Doctoral Dissertations


    4. Purchase order review and invoice download

    Upon accessing the designated page, you will have the opportunity to thoroughly examine the final invoice. Additionally, there is an option to print it out for your convenience.



    5. Secure online payment

    Whether you prefer PayPal, VNpay, or Credit Card, we strive to accommodate your needs. In the event that your billing account imposes limitations. Rest assured, we also provide the option to pay later through our Partner Moca Package.



    You're all set!

    Your order is being translated and will be promptly delivered to your email upon completion.

    Order Status

    To stay updated on the progress of your order, please log in to your account. Here, you will find detailed information regarding the receipt of your order by the translator, as well as the expected timeline for its completion. Moreover, feel free to communicate directly with the translator to further discuss your specific translation requirements during the ongoing translation process.



    Transaction History

    On this page, you can access a comprehensive overview of all transactions related to your order. Furthermore, you have the option to download the invoice for any specific transaction as needed.



    Online translation service

    Online translation service

    Online translation service

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    Mokrica is the foremost online translation company in Vietnam, offering esteemed translation services to global enterprises round-the-clock. We have streamlined the translation procedure by automating key steps such as file analysis, quotation, translator assignment, invoicing/billing, and reporting, aiming to provide an unparalleled customer experience. Unlike traditional offline translation processes that involve numerous human interactions, our approach ensures optimal translation efficiencies that are often overlooked. By eliminating costly touchpoints, we are proud to offer one of the swiftest, most efficient, and competitively priced translation services to our esteemed clients.


    Mokrica revolutionizes conventional translation models by seamlessly transitioning professional language services to a more rapid, more convenient, and more cost-effective online translation platform. Effortlessly upload your documents, monitor the progress, and obtain translated files on demand, at any time and from anywhere. Expand your international reach by leveraging the capabilities of our proficient online translation services and attain remarkable accomplishments across numerous nations.


    Automate the translation process

    Mokrica's process automation does not rely on machine translation (MT) for language translation services. Instead, our online translation ecosystem streamlines the human touchpoints involved in traditional offline solutions. This enables us to offer you efficient, convenient, and cost-effective translation services while maintaining high language standards.


    File Analysis

    Mokrica offers an automated solution to extract the word count from your PDF and Word files for translation purposes. By automating the localization process, we provide efficient and cost-effective translation services.


    Quotation Quote

    It is crucial for your business to promptly assess the expenses associated with translation in order to avoid any delays in commencing the translation process.


    Professional translators

    The process of assigning manual translators can be both time-consuming and repetitive. However, with Mokrica, we offer a solution that eliminates these challenges. Our platform promptly notifies our team of dedicated linguists who are skilled in selecting the most suitable translators for your specific needs. This ensures that translations are carried out promptly and efficiently, saving you valuable time.


    Download completed translation

    The option for file transfer via email or FTP is no longer neccessary. To obtain the completed translation, please log in to your Mokrica account and simply click on the designated button for downloading.


    Project Identification Code:

    Mokrica ensures the explicitness in presenting information regarding project status, order completion dates, reception of translators, and statistical reports. This aids customers in conveniently monitoring and overseeing their projects.



    There are several methods available for payment, including the use of

    • Credit/Debit cards
    • PayPal
    • Bank transfers
    • Postpaid services
    • Moca Package.


    AI Powered Translation

    AI Powered Translation

    AI Powered Translation

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    Mokrica provides the best business translation services with quick speed and the outstanding ability to support all document formats with limited costs. 


    Files analysis with AI
    Traditionally, price quotations are carried out by humans using CAT tools such as ABBYY and OmegaT to process file formats like Word, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint, and Images to manually count the word numbers. Therefore, they can create a price quote in Excel or PDF format and send it to the customer.


    However, this manual process may have calculation errors such as “Incorrect estimation of word numbers,” it also takes a lot of time and effort while working with the customers. That is why traditional local companies usually face difficulty in giving instant price quotations. It typically takes 1 to 2 hours, even more, to provide the most basic price quotations.


    A one-day delay in the contemporary digital economy can mean a lost business. With Mokrica, this system is supported by AI, which will automate the file analysis process by detecting word numbers and providing real-time price quotations. Besides regular files, Mokrica has upgraded AI's ability to scan images and give instant price quotations; therefore, customers no longer have to wait to start their translations.


    In fact, it is quite standard for a project manager to send the same file to multiple translators, and hope someone will respond quickly. There is no guarantee that the translator will be informed instantly, and unnecessary delays can be severe on urgent translation projects.


    Moreover, this manual process will take lots of time, especially if many languages are involved. The manual emailing procedure is also prone to errors from humans, causing the files to be sent incorrectly to the translators, losing more time, and affecting the quality.


    Besides, online project managers do not thoroughly understand the translators’ ability and/or their specialized knowledge on the subjects. This means sending the translation jobs to unavailable linguistics or someone not the most qualified, leading to missing deadlines and low-quality results.


    With Morikca, the enterprises can decide to order their translation instantly whenever they want, and the translating process is based on the “Bottleneck,” using API to assign the translators based on these criteria:

    1.     Identify available linguistics in an extensive network of translators based on their fields and recommendation ratings.
    2.     Notify the linguistics about the jobs automatically through their phones and emails.
    3.     Team up an available group of translators in the Mokrica system to ensure language consistency and accuracy.

    Our Translator

    Our Translator

    Our Translator

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