Mokrica Translation
Mokrica Translation
→ Frequently asked questions
What if the user clicks on the share link with my Translation ID and registers?
Why do I have to share my Translation ID to increase my earnings from affiliate marketing on social networks?
Why do I only receive commissions and no additional rewards when a customer places an order by my Translation ID?
What is the difference between the Translation ID of the Mokrica member and the translator?
If a user registers a customer account to use translation services on the Mokrica platform through my Translation ID, then how many times will the commission and reward I receive?
What happens when I join the Mokrica membership and I have a Translation ID attached to my customer account?
What if I am not a translator but any translator takes on translation job from a customer with my Translation ID, how will I get my commissions and rewards?
Will I be limited in the number of customers through my Translation ID?
How will my commissions, rewards & levels be calculated?
What is my total earnings including: Commissions, rewards & Bronze level achieved?
What is my total earnings including: Commissions, rewards & Silver levels achieved?
What is my total earnings including: Commissions, rewards & Gold level achieved?
What is my total earnings including: Commissions, rewards & Diamond level achieved?
What are the conditions for me to receive commissions, rewards & levels achieved?
Site documentation
→ Basic instructions
→ Translation jobs
→ Site rules
→ Terms & policy
→ Frequently asked questions
How long does a translation project take?
As a Freelance translator, you have to set your goals before becoming a Mokrica Member
The translation of Medical documents into Spanish & Its challenges
How translation can assist during an E-Commerce Boom
An introduction to the needs of Medical translation
Mokrica serves all Customers’ Translations request from A-Z
Why does the English language adapt to inclusivity easier?
This explains why? You need to define your goals before you join Mokrica
Does translation quality mean different things to different people?
The biggest translation mistake you can make
Applying Technology in Translation
What is proofreading and why is it a necessary step in translation?
CAT TOOLS: Benefits for both clients and translators