Terms for the use of the Mokrica.com website -
The following rules are set forth to expand and preserve the fun atmosphere and always aim for the perfect results of the website for members of Mokrica.com. Use of this website also constitutes your acceptance and agreement to the terms set forth.
The following rules are set forth to expand and preserve the fun atmosphere and always aim for the perfect results of the website for members of Mokrica.com. Use of this website also constitutes your acceptance and agreement to the terms set forth.
1 Mokrica.com is the workplace of language
This website provides professional resources for members, language-related working person or individuals and businesses in need of language services. Harassment and attack of any kind, as well as discouraging others when using this website, is strictly prohibited.
2 Mutual respect, responsibility and maintaining of daily professional behavior.
The members who use this website behave politely, honestly, responsibly and professionally, and should show goodwill when doing their work. Decisions should always be made with the best interests of the customers in mind and not promoting any personal interests.
3 Offensive language will not be accepted.
4 Customers' satisfaction.
We empower our members who are professional translators to work directly with customers. Therefore, the basic thing is that customers are always respected and cared for. Misrepresenting or misleading customers or business partners with fictitious statements is never acceptable and will result in disciplinary action.
5 Prohibited cheating.
You can use the website without showing your name. However, acts of impersonation, use of false documents, or acts to deceive others on any level are not tolerated.
Respecting the foregoing is a condition of gaining access to and using the website.
Website’s members may do any of the following acts to execute the foregoing rules:
(*) Contact other members of the website to inform them of specific rules
(*) Attempt to complete the suggested translation through the Translation ID. Make commitment on quality and completion time.
(*) Try not to accept or cancel the work/project that is not within your capacity.
In rare cases of violation of the website's regulations, the user will be suspended temporarily or permanently from accessing the membership website. In the event of a serious violation, a member of the Mokrica.com website may terminate the profile (and membership) immediately. Person whose membership profile has been terminated will not be re-admitted to the Mokrica.com website.