by Nguyen Thi Kim Huong | November 1, 2022
Nationality: Vietnam
Location: Nha Trang
Occupation: Freelancer
Language pair: English to Vietnamese, Vietnamese to English
Translation services are probably not new in the world as well as in Vietnam. However, if you are an individual or an organization working in Viet Nam, the definition of a digital platform translation service company is unquestionably quite fresh. And one of the leading translation companies using the digital platform that is Mokrica. You can roughly understand that Mokrica works as an agent that passes messages or proposals between you – our customers and our translators. Mokrica has been operating extremely effectively in many countries around the world and just like the obvious situation Mokrica arrived in Vietnam – a great potential business environment.
We are coming with a strong desire of creating a quick, convenient workspace to accommodate all of your translation needs.
And the first convenience that we have to mention that is you sit at home, office or anywhere and with just a few clicks your order will be processed quickly from translation, and notarization to home delivery. This helps Mokrica’s customers save time, and costs and work much more efficiently.
The online control panel on the Mokrica platform allows customers to upload documents to be translated in various formats such as word, PDF, and images. Our system also automatically quotes based on the number of words in customers’ documents. Automating the end-to-end translation process through API from receiving your translation request and documents, payment, suggestion of suitable translator to statistical reports so that you can review the statistics and spending reports of your translation project with Mokrica.
So how about the user interface of the Mokrica platform? It is designed simply and it makes things so much easy and more efficient to create the translation request to Mokrica. This is a brief manipulation to make a translation request: Firstly, you log in to your Mokrica account, click on the button “translate now”, fill in your name, then choose the format of your documents, when you choose “upload”- the AI system will scan the number of words in your document fairly and accurately based on this industry standard, continuously you choose your source and target language, choose the right topic for your translation content, and finally, choose the suitable payment method. And, done! You already completed creating a translation request on Mokrica. So easy, right?
In addition, in the current trend of globalization in parallel with service personalization, the translation needs of customers are more and more diverse. The diversity is not limited to translation language pairs anymore but also the specific requirements of each profession, the position of the customer, the context of using the translation and the standards for each translation product, the translation time for each customer is different as well. With Mokrica, you can choose the standard for each translation from basic, standard to advanced level. If your translation needs accuracy and specialisation, then the standard or advanced option is designed for you. With a team of nearly 5000 professional translators from all over the world to support customers anytime, anywhere, you can be completely satisfied with the quality of Mokrica's service. Another highlight of Mokrica’s function is that Mokrica’s customers will have 120 hours to review the translation, and during this time you can completely write comments about the translation such as incomplete translation, spelling or grammatical errors, omission of a key meaning or detail from the original, your request that the translator may miss, etc. What you should do is, click on the Editing option and choose the editing request, download the document to be edited and help us to enter the required correction so our translator can better understand your request and edit the translation. There is a messages section available so you can communicate directly with the translator. Within 24 hours, the translator will receive the evaluation of the translation and correct it at the customer's discretion. About customer service with a dedicated and professional motto – translators will complete the customer's translation with the highest quality in the fastest time and are always ready to support until the translation is achieved as your wish.
Lastly, payment! You can choose the appropriate currency such as Vietnam Dong, Euro or USD. And about the payment method, as usual, you will pay in advance, however, if you are a business, you will have one more option which is a monthly payment with a very simple procedure of agreement on a using translation service contract with Mokrica organized all by Mokrica’s staff. On the Mokrica platform, there is also a statistics page, so after completing the transaction, you can review your spending on the statistics page.
Mokrica is constantly improving to accommodate the increasing needs of customers in the world generally and Vietnam particularly. The support, gratitude or comments from customers are all great motivations for our translators to work more and more effectively and promote the development of the translation industry in the country.
In the near future, to be more complete, Mokrica will add a content writing section, and the translation section will integrate video document formats, so we will have subtitle translation for customers as well. Mokrica will always update and develop to be able to best serve customers with as many services as possible in its field, or said as the folk word in Vietnamese “serve our customers from A to Z”.