This explains why? You need to define your goals before you join Mokrica



Mokrica is a website creating a connection between translators and individuals or organizations that have a demand for translation services. That is a potential working environment for freelance translators who want a job but are not strict in time and policies. However, this doesn’t mean the translators can translate cursorily. Therefore, freelancer translators have to set their goals as they want to become a member of Mokrica.



Deciding your purposes before doing something is always a crucial part because it helps you concentrate on your goals. Besides that, since you are a member of Mokrica, deciding goals assists you in making significant steps in your progress of reaching your goals. No matter who you are, an experienced translator, a graduated student wanting to be a professional translator, or someone who has good skills in foreign languages wanting to earn money, etc. Everyone has their background, and their own goals, so we have our unique ways to reach those goals. The experienced translators will choose different translation projects from the graduated students; or if you want to earn money, you will receive a different number of projects from someone who just wants to do something in their free time. Depending on the goals, we will have different choices and experiences.



Although setting goals is an individual activity, translators work directly on documents and make them into translated documents, so the quality of the translation crucially impacts the deal between translators and translation service users. Every customer wants to receive the best quality translations that meet the standard on spelling, grammar, the general meaning at first, then meet their requirements about literatury style for the literary works or newspaper, etc. Customers have different requirements for their translation on the writing, projects’ deadline, or the translator's professional for some projects that demand both specific knowledge and language skills. Setting goals help translator easier in choosing suitable translation projects, as well as provide the best service for customers, and build their own reliability. A graduated student will choose small projects for experience, but experienced translators choose bigger projects for ensuring their finance as they want to travel, and enjoy their lives. Since we have the objectives, we no longer feel lost in the ocean of choices, and lesser in passing our true opportunities.



The most challenging for a freelance translator is getting stable and suitable job sources. A reliable and remaining stable number of customer job sources is not easy to find. Thus, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist, such as Mokrica, a platform that can meet almost every requirement of freelance translators: only for translating, high quantity of customers, clear cost statistics, well-organized translation categories, ensuring work environment, remote working, and so forth. Personally, working as a Mokrica translator is stimulating, and the most precious is that I gain various useful and neoteric pieces of knowledge. Moreover, joining Mokrica give me chance to work with numerous kinds of documents that most translators want to get, and I also make one step closer to my goals which are gaining knowledge and putting my skills into practice. Mokrica creates a bilateral relationship between it and its translators so that translators feel secure to work with customers on the Morkira platform and work under the Mokrica’s ensuring, on the other hand, due to those translators and customers, Mokrica expands its population more and more, as well as stabilize its base.



Translators’ clear objectives and the superior vision of Mokrica have built a professional working environment with plenty of development opportunities for both translators and translation service users. If you want an environment where you can freely polish up your translation skills, Mokrica is the most considerable choice for you. Having one or few objectives helps you have guidance, and don’t derail on your way, and perhaps the results are more than you expect. Mokrica always opens the opportunities door for all freelance translators to join and perform their abilities.

