Applying Technology in Translation

by Luu Tuyet Nhung | November 2, 2022

Nationality: Vietnam
Location: Ho Chi Minh
Occupation: Information technology
Language pair: English to Vietnamese; Vietnamese to English;



A freelance translator is usually faced with some matters behind quality of their translation such as finding translation requisitions, picking requests that match their favor and expertise, and mispricing their work. Although there are some large and vibrant communities or playgrounds for translators, each freelance translator themselves still work independently because there are not efficient connections between translators and with clients. Therefore, every single freelance translator makes their own efforts to find requisitions and often bumps into the unbalance conditions of full and vacant workload. As a result, it’s is not easy for entry level translators to experience various kinds of materials of different fields to upgrade themselves meanwhile qualified translators sometimes waste their time and expertise in very simple requisitions. On the other hands, individuals or companies with a need for translation are also struggling to find right translators and qualified translation. That endless loop causes the state of shortage and surplus in translation market.


In the era of technology, more and more translators use smart applications for companionship to improve quality of their translation and to keep their passion burning. Majority of smart applications directly maximize quality and minimize working time of translators by flexible writing styles, various types of word choices, and glossary of terms. However, there is a lack of indirect solutions helping translators connect with their prospects or clients, and break the endless loop in translation market. One of the minority of solution is Mokrica – a platform developed by a Vietnamese – effectively connecting 5000 translators and their clients around the World.



Ho Chi Minh City


Mokrica creates a healthy and transparent working environment for every translators and those who has need of translation to every language in every industry to meet and match easily, no matter of time and places.


Everyone who has a need of translation for any pairs of languages in any fields can promptly choose the a suitable translators. This help translators not only enhance their ability in languages and fields but also ignite their passion with the right materials. In other words, the rich-experienced translators have chances to gain more challenged requisitions or join in big and better projects, leaving easier requisitions and basic projects for lower-level translators. More than that, because the translation need all over the World is nonstop increasing, the platform allows translators to approach a bigger market and to expand their passion and capabilities in other languages such as Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish, Italian, etc. or in other fields such as Trading, Tourism, Literature, Agriculture, Education, Maritime Industry, Technology, Law, etc. Based on self-evaluation and requirements about content of documents, translation quality (such as basic, standard or advanced) and handover time, translators can directly and immediately receive any translation requests on Mokrica. Algorithms on Mokrica work to match translators with suitable requests in a shortest time and bring them stable numbers of requisitions.


Specialized knowledge and terms are the most important elements and affect to the translation quality. Specialized documents demand high level of accuracy and clarity in using specialized terms instead of amazing word choices and polished writing styles as in literature arts, news or magazine articles. That’s why translators spend a lot of time to learn specialized knowledge and terms to avoid misunderstanding and mistranslation. To help translators overcome this issue, Mokrica gives both translators and clients a space to work side by side. The clients has time to give feedback, point out misspelling, mistranslation or other mistakes in the final translation. The translator also has time to adjust the translation according to the feedback. Consequently, almost all translators and clients has a good experience and quality translation in Mokrica.


And the most important stage for both translators and clients is payment. Mispricing is always a controversial topic in translation market because of no standard on pricing. On clients’ eyes, it’s like getting a blind date to work with translation service because they don’t know their translator, cannot give feedback on translation, and don’t get refund for a sloppy translation; and it’s usually like daylight robbery to working directly with a translator. Meanwhile, many translators either struggle with underrated remuneration when working with translation services or missing out good projects when quoting too high. Understand that situation, transparent payment policy in Mokrica creates a healthy and professional environment for both translators and clients. Based on kinds of materials, pairs of language, content of material and level of translation, a suitable quotation is issued to both immediately. Clients can choose their right translators and know the final payment without any incurring cost. Translators understand clearly the requirements and aware value of their work. Hence, both clients and translators have the same criteria for a quality translation and willing to work together instead of turning on “defensive” mode while corporation.


It is clearly that Mokrica is a platform providing translators not only with a good environment, a stable income, and a growing passion but also with more chances to mark themselves in the global market. Mokrica has constantly improved to be a fair playground with better service experiences for translators and those who has needs of translation.

