Avatar Agata Mantecchini Italy
Giới thiệu
I am a translator and subtitler from Bologna, Italy. After completing my Bachelor's degree in European Languages and Cultures (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), I enrolled in the Master's degree programme in Modern Languages for International Communication (University of Guglielmo Marconi). At the same time, I completed my Erasmus in Paris at the Sorbonne University from January to June 2020 where I attended Translation, English Grammar, Cinema and Sociology courses. I then graduated with a 110/110 grade and started working as a Translation Project Manager where I managed the entire life-cycle of multiple translation projects in a fast-paced environment. I also negotiated deadlines and rates with vendors while attended meetings as required to discuss and clarify on client requirements, deadlines and budget. In addition, in March 2021 I started working as a subtitler. I mostly translate TV series, films and documentaries using Subtitle Edit and Visual SubSynch software. I currently work as a freelance translator EN, ES > IT, mainly translating marketing texts for foreign clients and as teacher of Italian as a foreign language to international students.
Dịch vụ
Biên dịch , Transcription , Subtitling , Word DTP , Excel DTP , Office Publisher Copy DTP , AutoCAD DTP , Hiệu đính , MTPE
Trường Đại Học/Cao Đẳng
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi Language translation Master's Degree in Modern Languages for International Communication
Chứng nhận/Chứng chỉ/Bằng cấp
Cặp ngôn ngữ
English (En) English (En)
Italian (It) Italian (It)
Spanish (Es) Spanish (Es)
Italian (It) Italian (It)
Lĩnh Vực Dịch Thuật
Du lịch
Quảng cáo tiếp thị
Thực phẩm - Nước giải khát
Mỹ phẩm/ Thời trang
Truyền thông / Báo chí / Xuất bản
Kinh nghiệm
5 Năm
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