Avatar Bernadette Nga Ngono Canada
Giới thiệu
Hello, My name is Bernadette Nga Ngono. My mother tongues are English and French. I translate from English to French and from French to English. With 09 years of experience, I translate with speed, accuracy and discretion up to 7,000 words per day especially as I hold a Master degree in translation arts (English-French-English) and a Bilingual (English & French) Bachelor degree in finance. I am therefore perfectly bilingual and available every day, even on weekends. I feel ready to work with you in view of my rich experience acquired on projects for major clients such as MINESEC Ministry of Secondary Education, MINFI Ministry of Finance, Qtranslanguagesolutions Sharethrough, Elite 237 , DT Translation , Tomedes translation , Elite Asia. For a quick response, please contact me via email: ngaberdy04@gmail.com. I have many professional profiles, here are a few: http://www.translatorcafe.com/cafe/member452224.htm http://www.proz.com/profile/3330556 https://www.translationdirectory.com/translators/english_french/bernadette_nga_ngono.php https://www.linkedin.com/in/bernadette-nga-ngono-549374222 While waiting for a favourable outcome, please accept the expression of my deepest respect. Sincerely, Bernadette Nga Ngono Here is my updated CV. Thanks
Dịch vụ
Subtitling , AutoCAD DTP , Photoshop Copy DTP , Adobe Al Copy DTP , Adobe Al DTP , PDF to PPT DTP , PDF to PPT Preparation , PDF to Word DTP , Office Publisher Copy DTP , Word DTP , Adobe FM DTP , Typewriting , Time-Coding , Biên dịch , Transcription+Translation+Time-Coding , Transcription+Translation , Transcription , Advertisement Voice Over , E-Learning Voice Over , Hội nghị - Hội thảo , Phiên dịch nối tiếp , Hiệu đính , Cabin , MTPE , Movie Voice Over , Phone Recording Voice Over
Trường Đại Học/Cao Đẳng
Siantou university / Université de Montréal / ENS Yaounde Marketing - Finance / Engineering Sciences Chemicals Bilingual ( French and English) Bachelor degree in Marketing - Finance / National Bilingual Diploma of High School Teacher
Chứng nhận/Chứng chỉ/Bằng cấp
Cặp ngôn ngữ
English (En) English (En)
French (Fr) French (Fr)
French (Fr) French (Fr)
English (En) English (En)
Spanish (Es) Spanish (Es)
French (Fr) French (Fr)
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